by Scooter Morris

Objective: Learn about visualizing and analysing protein structure with UCSF Chimera

Introduction to UCSF Chimera

Hopefully, you have installed Chimera on your laptop already. If not, please get it installed during the Demo.


Initial presentation

Hands-on Tutorials

  1. Getting Started. This should be done first by everyone.
  2. Depending on your interest, and how quickly you got through the first tutorial, you may also want to do one of the following (from the user’s guide):
    1. Structure Analysis and Comparison. Binding site analysis and comparison of related structures by superposition and morphing.
    2. Superpositions and Alignments. Using MatchMaker to align protein structures and create a multiple sequence alignment from the structural superpositions.
    3. Comparative Modeling. Using BLAST and Modeller from within Chimera
  3. Or one of these from various scenario-based demonstrations
    1. Functional Annotation Scenario: The Structure-Function Linkage Database (SFLD) and Chimera. Originally prepared for an NIH site visit. contains the data files mentioned in the tutorial.
    2. Mapping Sequence Conservation onto Structures with Chimera. You’ll need the data in to do this one.